League of Legends LCK: Doppio colpo in casa T1 Challengers

L’organizzazione esports T1 ha reso noto di aver perfezionato ben 2 acquisti per la formazione di League of Legends che milita nel LCK Challengers. I T1 Challengers hanno infatti prelevato dai PSG Talon, il midlaner Park "Bay" Jun-byeong (20).
2023 시즌부터 T1 League of Legends Challengers 팀에 미드 라이너로 새롭게 합류하게 된 'Bay' 박준병 선수를 환영해 주세요!
— T1 LoL (@T1LoL) December 27, 2022
We are pleased to announce that Mid laner 'Bay' has joined our T1 League of Legends Challengers team!
Please welcome our new member!#T1WIN #T1Fighting #LCKCL pic.twitter.com/6Kq4BP89QK
Dalla formazione sudcoreana degli Hanwha Life Esports Challengers arriva invece il support Han "Baut" Jin-sol (21).
2023 시즌부터 T1 League of Legends Challengers 팀에 서포터로 새롭게 합류하게 된 'Baut' 한진솔 선수를 환영해 주세요!
— T1 LoL (@T1LoL) December 27, 2022
We are pleased to announce that Supporter 'Baut' has joined our T1 League of Legends Challengers team!
Please welcome our new member!#T1WIN #T1Fighting #LCKCL pic.twitter.com/maV2ypiyJ2